Evangelicals Global Christian Zionism Israel
Evangelicals and Global Christian Zionism

Important to Israel’s improved global standing is the ongoing global growth of pro-Israel Evangelicals, numbering in the hundreds of millions, whose influence could affect foreign policy in dozens of nations in the Global South.

“The Post” & American “Lies”

The Post with Meryl Streep as publisher Katherine Graham and Tom Hanks as editor Ben Bradlee recalls the 1971 battle…

Americans as Killers

National Review‘s critique of the new Western film Hostiles, with Christian Bale in the lead role as a cavalry officer,…

Recalling a Radical Think-Tank

Over Christmas, I noticed an obituary for Marcus Raskin, who co-founded the once high profile Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), a leftist, not-so-much-noticed-anymore Washington, DC, think-tank that during the Cold War some conservative critics insinuated was in cahoots with Soviet intelligence.

Good Books of 2017

Here are some books I enjoyed over the past year: American Lady: The Life of Susan Mary Alsop By Caroline…

Churchill, Halifax, & Christmas Eve

The new film Darkest Hour about Churchill’s tense first days as premier movingly portrays how the fortitude of the common…

Germany, Romanian King & Christendom

Last eve I attended an enjoyable and informative dinner talk on German politics and transatlantic relations hosted by the Hanns…

Protestant Rectitude & Secretary Tillerson

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s Protestant rectitude informs his sense of America’s dutiful vocation in the world premised on: “Liberty, equality, and human dignity.”

Robert Mugabe United Methodist Bishop Abel Muzorewa Zimbabwe
Mugabe’s Avoidable Tyranny?

Could Robert Mugabe’s calamitous 37-year reign over Zimbabwe have been averted if America recognized United Methodist Bishop Abel Muzorewa?