Isabella Meibauer

Isabella Meibauer is a freelance writer with a focus on South and Southeast Asia. She holds a degree in religion from The King’s College, New York.

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Ilhan Omar Pakistan
Ilhan Omar’s Pakistan Trip Raises Questions of Foreign Islamist Influence in the US

The considerable power that foreign agents with such connections can easily exert is troubling, and connections between these agents and elected officials warrant deeper investigation.

Pass the BURMA Act
Pass the BURMA Act

Covering everything from sanctions and import prohibitions to humanitarian aid, the BURMA Act is one of the most comprehensive pieces of proposed legislation to address the coup.

Lift US Sanctions on the Autonomous Administration for North and East Syria?
Lift US Sanctions on the Autonomous Administration for North and East Syria?

The Autonomous Administration for North and East Syria (AANES) is seeking international recognition as a legitimate government, but currently it is campaigning the US to lift sanctions on its territory.

Pakistan Double Standard on Blasphemy Laws
Pakistan’s Double Standard on Blasphemy Laws

In April, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan denounced the West, particularly France, and called for a coalition of Muslim countries to use economic power to force the West to pass blasphemy laws protecting Muslim sentiments.

Myanmar Coup Could Benefit China - Aung San Suu Kyi
Myanmar Coup Could Benefit China

The US must act swiftly and decisively against the Myanmar coup to preserve the country’s recent democratic gains and send a message to China.

Pakistan Should Heed the Call of Oppressed Muslims Instead of Oppressing Its Minorities

If Pakistan takes such great lengths to “protect” Islam and its Muslim citizens, it should also seek to protect fellow Muslims abroad who are the victims of ethnic cleansing, oppression, or persecution.

Pakistan Aligns with Hamas and Turkey, Follows Worrying Trend
Pakistan Aligns with Hamas and Turkey, Follows Worrying Trend

Following the Hagia Sophia’s conversion to a Muslim mosque this August, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan and President Arif Alvi called Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to congratulate him.

In Myanmar, COVID-19 Poses Greatest Risk to Democracy
In Myanmar, COVID-19 Poses Greatest Risk to Democracy

With Myanmar’s military still controlling 25 percent of its parliament and a history of brutal crackdowns—not to mention the recent Rohingya crisis—COVID-19 is exacerbating the precarious balance between the military and civilians in power.

Pakistan’s COVID-19 Response Fails Its Minorities

In the past few weeks, Pakistan has attempted to mitigate COVID-19’s effect on its economy and people. However, these efforts have largely ignored the needs of Pakistan’s minorities. The result is an increase in human rights violations.