Born a hundred years ago, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn would write The Gulag Archipelago, a blistering account of the Gulag system under Stalin. George Kennan called this novel “the most powerful single indictment of a political regime ever to be levied in modern times.”
Joshua CayetanoMarch 13, 2018
Every president faces a devil’s choice between stability and security on the one hand and our founding values on the other.
Joshua CayetanoAugust 17, 2017
When President George W. Bush declared his “War on Terror,” the face of the enemy was a grainy two-inch picture…
Joshua CayetanoAugust 10, 2017
With Duterte, many felt heaven’s justice had come, wielding (symbolically and literally) the sword entrusted to government against evildoers. And despite international criticism, the Filipino people widely approve of the Duterte way. When offered the choice between vigilante justice and no justice at all, a downtrodden people will choose the former every time.
Joshua CayetanoJuly 25, 2017
Religious communities are rediscovering their voice, and Miroslav Volf argues the interconnected world is the perfect platform for the world religions to reclaim their original messages of universality and human flourishing.
Joshua CayetanoJuly 17, 2017
While the media spotlight shines on a few high-profile countries, four forgotten countries (Lithuania, Yemen, Sudan, and Morocco) operate under the radar.
Joshua CayetanoJuly 3, 2017
The Syrian refugee crisis has reached historic proportions, and over 11 million Syrian refugees are in danger of suffering due to international compassion fatigue.
Joshua CayetanoJune 20, 2017