Rebeccah L. Heinrichs, a contributing editor at Providence, is a fellow at Hudson Institute where she provides research and commentary on a variety of international security issues and specializes in deterrence and counter-proliferation. She is also the vice-chairman of the John Hay Initiative’s Counter-proliferation Working Group and the original manager of the House of Representatives Bi-partisan Missile Defense Caucus.
Some America First Republicans are nearly indistinguishable from the standard fare retreaters we were served from the “Blame America First” leftists of the Cold War.
Rebeccah HeinrichsJuly 22, 2022
With a seemingly genuine response, John Kirby reflects well on Americans and illuminates something of the Western way of war, which follows the Just War Tradition.
Rebeccah HeinrichsMay 5, 2022
Rebeccah Heinrichs’s lecture at the Christianity & National Security Conference 2022. Rebeccah Heinrichs discusses the Chinese Communist Party, internal division,…
Rebeccah HeinrichsApril 5, 2022
During this season of Advent, the patriotic American citizen can find much for which to be hopeful. For the American Christian, we are reminded of our ultimate reason for hope.
Rebeccah HeinrichsDecember 7, 2021
While the Trump administration took on China and the Biden administration continued many of those policies, including investments in Pacific allies to deter Chinese abuses, efforts are falling woefully short.
Rebeccah HeinrichsNovember 9, 2021
Feminist-minded advocates have sought for decades to include women in a would-be draft in the name of progress and equity. Senate Democrats pushed and compliant Republicans acquiesced to an amendment in the defense bill that would require women to register with the Selective Service.
Rebeccah HeinrichsJuly 30, 2021
IRD/Providence hosted a conversation with the Hanns Seidel Foundation on Cancel Culture.
Mark Tooley & Joshua Mitchell & Rebeccah HeinrichsMay 26, 2021
Mitchell’s contrast of wokeism with Christianity not only explains our confused and confusing times, but also showcases the truth, beauty, and freeing peace of the true Christian Gospel.
Rebeccah HeinrichsMarch 24, 2021
President Biden’s decision to fully extend the treaty without condition was mostly met with a figurative sigh of relief from arms control advocates and those who seek a world “free of nuclear weapons.” But Americans should be sober-minded about the real impact of the treaty, and not be lulled into believing New START, or any one treaty, will moderate US adversaries or better position the United States in our competition with either Russia or China.
Rebeccah HeinrichsMarch 19, 2021
What a heart-wrenching day for our nation. The live videos of the hordes of Americans flooding the US Capitol were literally nauseating.
Rebeccah HeinrichsJanuary 7, 2021