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Christianity & National Security 2023

On October 26-27, Providence and the Institute on Religion and Democracy will host the sixth annual Christianity and National Security…

Utilities of the Christian Imperative

From Christianity and Crisis, July 1947: “The beginning of wisdom is to know that God’s will rules His world.” But discerning the end of wisdom is more complicated.

The Impeachment of American Evangelicalism

There is a sharp public conversation brewing over evangelical attitudes on impeachment. Christianity Today editorialized that Christians should support removing…

“The Bookcase” Spring-Summer 2019 Issue

The Right Side of History: How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great, by Ben Shapiro (Broadside, 2019). This…

A Christian Declaration on American Foreign Policy
A Christian Declaration on American Foreign Policy

We believe it is our responsibility to speak out at this time in order to provide a much-needed corrective to the current foreign policy debate.