Biden Administration

The New Progressive Imperialism in Africa

The US government is seeking to impose progressive values on African nations despite those peoples having no interest in Western-style progressivism

Leaving America’s Back Door Open

The Biden administration’s policy in Latin America has empowered anti-American regimes and endangered national interests.

Weekend Read: The Biden Administration is Wrong on Rafah

US President Joe Biden and his NSC spokesman John Kirby have erred in recent statements regarding Israel’s presumptive move on Rafah. The errors are not benign.

A Return to Ideological Competition: Western Liberal Values or Totalitarianism

Biden’s State of the Union lacked the moral clarity on the civilizational struggle the US is in against China and Russia

The Weakness is the Point in American Foreign Policy

The Biden administration’s weakness abroad is part of a targeted appeal to its progressive base at home

Who Watches the Watchers?: The Trouble with Independent Prosecutors

Between Robert Mueller and Robert Hur, independent prosecutors are becoming more common. But who are they accountable to?

The Biden Administration’s Cascading Crises

With every foreign policy failure, America falls further into a negative feedback loop

Paul Miller Christianity & National Security 2023

Paul Miller’s lecture at Christianity & National Security 2023. Paul Miller discusses Afghanistan, Christian realism, and secular realism. The following…

If the Choice Is Charlatans or Fanatics, Choose the Former

Better to side with transparently self-interested Saudi over transparently evil Iran

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