Catholic Church

“Digital Cliques in Search of Political Power”: A Review of Kevin Vallier’s All The Kingdoms of the World

Although integralism specifically and postliberalism generally seem to be declining as philosophical projects, Kevin Vallier’s “All the Kingdoms of the World” still urges us to ask why these ideas were so popular in the first place

“Conclave,” While Ham-Fisted, Inspires Some Thoughtful Reflections on Catholicism

Though Conclave is lazy and pandering, the book version does include an interesting examination of the intrinsic tensions within the Roman Catholic Church as embodying both temporal politics and spiritual guidance

On Ukraine, J.D. Vance Should Heed His Fellow Catholics 

JD Vance’s approach to Ukraine seems closer to the isolationist realism of the MAGA establishment than the moral realism characteristic of the Catholic international relations tradition

China’s Recognition of Bishop Shi Hongzhen: A Diplomatic Shift with Broader Implications

The CCP’s recognition of the Vatican’s appointed Bishop Shi may be a sign of improving Sino-Catholic relations, or a ploy by China to further diplomatically isolate Taiwan

Republican Toryism in America

American conservatives would benefit from reading Ron Dart’s recent work, “The North American High Tory Tradition”

Recovering and Renewing a Catholic Approach to IR

“In the Courts of Three Popes” by Mary Ann Glendon is an essential work for the recovery and renewal of a coherently Catholic IR theory

Between Prime Minister and Prophet: Reflections on Geert Wilders

Although unlikely to become the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Geert Wilders has unmistakably altered his nation’s political trajectory

Dignitas Infinita Betrays Catholic Just War Doctrine 

Pope Francis has taken direct aim at the Catholic doctrine of Just War in “Dignitas Infinita”

Escalating Christian Repression: Beijing’s Crackdown in Mainland China and Hong Kong 

Once again, USCIRF has recommended that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) be designated a country of particular concern due to religious persecution.

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