Catholic Church

Season 1 Episode 3: The Early Church & Eastern Christianity

Richard Ghazal sat down with Bishop Gregory Mansour of the Maronite Catholic Eparchy of Saint Maron in Brooklyn, NY, and…

A Puritan Named Kennedy

Robert Frost, while campaigning for JFK, referred to him as a “Puritan named Kennedy” from New England.

The Chinese Communist Party’s War on Catholicism

The CCP is increasingly cracking down on Chinese Roman Catholics

Review of Michael Hesemann’s The Pope and The Holocaust

The historical reputation of Pope Pius XII and his role in the Second World War have been disputed with passionate and often angry conviction since almost the time of his death.

St. Antonio and the Scholastics: Medieval Monks as Economists

Surprisingly, the first thinker to produce a systematic treatise on what’s today called Economics was Renaissance-era Dominican monk St. Antonio of Florence.

On the “Medieval Question” 

American conservatives have a paradoxical relationship with the Middle Ages – a relationship which today has reemerged as a fascinating cleavage on the American right.

Corrymeela, Northern Ireland: a Christian Outpost in a Nation at War with Itself (Part Two)

Corrymeela’s community believes no one can unwind every evil of the past, so each person can only decide how he will live with others in the present.

Corrymeela, Northern Ireland: a Christian Outpost in a Nation at War with Itself (Part One)

Through the Good Friday Agreement, Corrymeela was an epicenter for people working towards a peaceful settlement to the Troubles.

Fighting for the Right to Be Jewish: Religious Liberty and Government Establishment

A state-enforced sexual establishment parallels the kind of religious establishment dissenters have long sought to dismantle, and for sound reasons.

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