Catholic Church

Can Middle Eastern Christians Help Combat Antisemitism? Bishop Bawai Soro
Can Middle Eastern Christians Help Combat Antisemitism?

Amanda Achtman recently sat down with Bishop Bawai Soro, an Iraqi Christian leader serving Canada’s approximately 40,000 Chaldean Catholics who is passionate about exploring the common heritage of Iraqi Jews and Iraqi Christians. In this interview, Achtman spoke with Bishop Soro about some of the shared patrimony, the Jewish roots of the Chaldean liturgy, and how Middle Eastern Christians can help combat antisemitism.

Ought Implies Can: A Response to the Pope
Ought Implies Can: A Response to the Pope

A basic rule of discriminating moral reasoning is that we are only obliged to do an action that we are able to do. That is, an ought implies a can.

Pope Francis is Wrong about the Morality of Nuclear Weapons
Pope Francis is Wrong about the Morality of Nuclear Weapons

The pontiff is right to express concern about the risks of accidental detonation and the employment of nuclear weapons. He’s just wrong on how best to increase the chances of preventing their employment.

The Problem with Catholic Integralism in One Tweet - Adrian Vermeule
The Problem with Catholic Integralism in One Tweet

Integralism is confused because it misunderstands the epoch of history in which Christians now live. Jesus is king, yes, but a long tradition of theology understands that Jesus’ kingdom has been inaugurated, though not yet consummated in full.

Providence & The Berlin Wall

Thirty years ago this week, God brought down the Berlin Wall. Few expected he would, or at least not so…

“When Peter Met Mao”: Inferring the Contents of the Concordat between the Holy See and the People’s Republic of China
“When Peter Met Mao”: Inferring the Contents of the Concordat between the Holy See and the People’s Republic of China

The text and therefore the terms of the “Provisional Agreement between the Holy See and China” have not been made public. But its probable contents can be surmised.

What You Should Know about Integralism
What You Should Know about Integralism

While there are many nuances and side issues in the debate between David French and Sohrab Ahmari, the crux of the disagreement appears to be a general clash between two opposing political philosophies adopted by religious believers: Catholic integralism and classical liberalism.

Catholics in Israel Call for One-State Solution
Catholics in Israel Call for One-State Solution

The Ordinaries’ statement is extraordinary, and not primarily for its reorientation away from a two-state solution toward one state.

What Should Pope Francis Prioritize in His Apostolic Visit to Morocco?
What Should Pope Francis Prioritize in His Apostolic Visit to Morocco?

Prioritizing human rights with the king, going to Morocco’s marginalized religious minority population, and calling upon the Church in Morocco truly to open its doors to Moroccans would make this apostolic visit a meaningful multifaith engagement.

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