
Donald Trump, An Unwitting Stooge for Russia? Not so Fast.
Donald Trump, An Unwitting Stooge for Russia? Not so Fast.

If Russia wanted a U.S. president who would follow the Obama administration’s patterns of concessions and refusal to respond to Russian aggression, it would have been hoping for and preparing for a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Innovate Perish Challenges Third Offset Strategy
Innovate or Perish: Challenges to the Third Offset Strategy

Speaking last Friday CSIS, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter warned that military excellence is not America’s “birthright”. It must be earned again and again.

Red Web Book Review Information Warfare Soldatov Borogan
A Glimpse into Russian Style Information Warfare

Andrei Soldatov and Irina Borogan offer a comprehensive overview of Russian internet policy at home and abroad in The Red Web.

Intelligence Open Society Book Review Darrell Cole Just War and the Ethics of Espionage
Intelligence in an Open Society

Cole’s Just War and the Ethics of Espionage takes readers deep into the labyrinth of ethical challenges in what the author argues is a necessary activity that prevents escalatory conflicts and protects the citizenry of a nation.

Third Offset
Losing Our Military Edge: The Need for the Third Offset Strategy

Technological advancements of American adversaries reveals an “eroding” U.S. military edge and highlights the need for the third offset strategy.

Iran's Deadly Ambition
An Ideology for Global Power

Berman’s Iran’s Deadly Ambition reveals that the Iranian threat has never emanated from Iran’s nuclear program, but rather from the Iranian regime itself.

Old Doctrines for a New Domain

CSIS has developed a new online tool for tracking major cyberattacks around the world. The website is as helpful as it is sobering.

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