Intelligence & Espionage

What you should know about James Comey and Mike Rogers’ Testimony on Russian Interference in the U.S. Election
What You Should Know about Comey and Rogers’ Hearing on Russian Interference in the U.S. Election

FBI Director James Comey and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers gave unclassified testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. The purpose of the hearing was to discuss Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Here are ten things you should know from the hearing.

What You Should Know About the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
What You Should Know About the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)

On Saturday Trump accused Obama of tapping his phones at Trump Tower. Trump is presumably basing his assertion on reports that the Justice Department applied for a warrant under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to conduct surveillance on Trump associates.

Shrunken Shadows and Broken Oaths Bradley Chelsea Manning Assange WikiLeaks
Shrunken Shadows and Broken Oaths

Some things need to be classified. And it’s not Bradley Manning’s or Julian Assange’s or Edward Snowden’s responsibility or right to determine what to declassify. That’s a job for Congress.

Bradley Manning, Alger Hiss & Dean Acheson

President Obama’s commutation of U.S. Army traitor Bradley, aka Chelsea, Manning’s 35-year prison sentence for violating the Espionage Act, among other crimes, raises important spiritual questions.

The Manchurian Presidency Donald Trump Russia Hacking
The Manchurian Presidency

You don’t have to believe the candidate himself is treasonous to recognize that his presidency would undermine American national security interests.

Donald Trump, An Unwitting Stooge for Russia? Not so Fast.
Donald Trump, An Unwitting Stooge for Russia? Not so Fast.

If Russia wanted a U.S. president who would follow the Obama administration’s patterns of concessions and refusal to respond to Russian aggression, it would have been hoping for and preparing for a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Chalk Dust on Our Cleats Book Review Michael Hayden Playing to the Edge American Intelligence Age of Terror
Chalk Dust on Our Cleats

It would be, quite simply, impossible to find a person better positioned to write on “American Intelligence in the Age of Terror” over the past two decades than Michael Hayden.

Through a Glass Darkly: How Iranian Revolutionaries Blindsided America’s Secular Intelligence Community
Through a Glass Darkly

In the aftermath of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, a State Department official summed up the confused state of American intelligence when he exclaimed, “Whoever took religion seriously?”

Innovate Perish Challenges Third Offset Strategy
Innovate or Perish: Challenges to the Third Offset Strategy

Speaking last Friday CSIS, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter warned that military excellence is not America’s “birthright”. It must be earned again and again.

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