International Religious Liberty

Narratives about Christians in Egypt
Narratives about Christians in Egypt

Matthew Anderson, an assistant teaching professor in Islamic studies at Georgetown University, spoke about Christians in Egypt during Providence’s Christianity…

Ethiopian Christians Endure Persecution
Ethiopian Christians Endure Persecution

The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church is an ancient church with a rich and unique history, but it has been the target for persecution.

Britain Mulls Advocacy for Persecuted Christians
Britain Mulls Advocacy for Persecuted Christians

While talking about persecuted Christians, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the UK will “stand with Christians everywhere, in solidarity” and will defend their right to practice their faith. What would this policy look like?

Human Rights and Religious Liberty in China
Countering China on Human Rights and Religious Liberty

Travis Wussow, vice president for public policy and general counsel at the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern…

Christian Reasons Religious Liberty
Christian Reasons for Religious Liberty

At Providence’s Christianity and National Security Conference in November 2019 at the Army Navy Club in Washington, DC, Thomas Farr…

Threats to Religious Liberty Globally

Nadine Maenza of the US Commission for International Religious Freedom spoke at Providence’s monthly social hour in January and shared the very latest about the threats to religious liberty globally.

Why the Results of the Taiwan Elections Matter
Why the Results of the Taiwan Elections Matter

The reelection of President Tsai Ing-wen matters because the people’s voices were heard, and they signaled to mainland China and the rest of the world that they deeply value and cherish their freedom, democracy, human rights, and religious freedom.

When Religious Freedom is Not Enough - Egypt Copt
When Religious Freedom is Not Enough

Egypt boasts the largest population of Christians in the Near East and thus offers the best chance to protect and empower them. A successful model here can be duplicated elsewhere.

Religious Freedom for Palestinian Christians? Not So Much - Bethlehem Palestine
Religious Freedom for Palestinian Christians? Not So Much

With Christmas just around the corner, many will soon be singing carols about that silent night in the little town of Bethlehem. Two thousand years later, it is worth asking what has become of the biblical town of Bethlehem and its Christians.

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