Islamic State (ISIS)

Ted Cruz speaks in Iowa
Ted Cruz, Realpolitik, and the Future of the Middle East

Perhaps like no other Republican presidential candidate, Senator Ted Cruz exemplifies the nation’s conflicted conscience over the direction of U.S. foreign policy in the age of terror. Should the United States promote democracy in the Middle East, or should we learn to live with Arab dictatorships, even as we seek to defeat and destroy the Islamic State?

Syrian Refugees
Scandal: U.S. Christian Groups Prioritize Muslim Refugees over Christian Ones. Here’s Why

Christians have been targeted for death, sexual slavery, displacement, cultural eradication and forced conversion by ISIS. The U.S. government’s response has been woefully inadequate — neither helping them defend themselves and stay, nor providing them asylum to leave. And now, to add insult to injury, they are casualties of the agencies contracted to resettle refugees in America.

Vicar of Baghdad spoke on Christian and Yazidi genocide
This is not Genocide…

According to the Obama Administration, this is not genocide.

Obama delivers speech in Oval Office
A Terrorism Speech that Will Live in Infamy

Instead of reassuring the American people in a moment of crisis, the President’s languid and banal remarks were a scolding exercise in misdirection and meaninglessness

Donald Trump
The Donald Trumps Morality

Donald Trump’s comments about going after terrorists’ families are immoral and point to common misconceptions about the ethics of war

ISIS Genocide against Christians
“Cleansing the Caliphate:” ISIS and Genocide of Christians

The U.S. must name Christians in a genocide declaration in order to protect the innocent, to undermine ISIS’ ability to project strength through terror, and to weaken its global recruiting efforts.

Paris, ISIS, & American Responsibility

What is becoming increasingly clear is that whether concerning the export of terror, the refugee crisis, or the dangers of the maintenance of the caliphate, the only foreseeable end to this crisis is to see the end of ISIS.

Mr. Obama’s Recruitment Strategy for ISIL

A Christian approach to the human catastrophe of the Syrian refugee crisis—partially instigated and immeasurably worsened by Mr. Obama’s floundering foreign policy—must reject legislation rooted in fear, bigotry, and nativism. We need a mature debate about how to respond with prudence and compassion to this crisis. Yet we also have an obligation to expose the intellectually and morally bankrupt arguments that cascade unceasingly from the mouth of this president.

The Islam America Needs Now

After Paris America needs Muslims to show and tell how Islam enables them to be loyal citizens in a robust democracy as Muslims.

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