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The Violence of Pacifism

It would seem that pacifism is a call to non-violence. It is not.

Susannah Black & Richard Dreyfuss: A Theopolitical Embroilment

The first of a five-part epistolary exchange between the actor Richard Dreyfuss and Providence associate editor Susannah Black exploring such issues as the potential of civics education to combat the appeal of groups like ISIS, the place of religion in public life, and the roots of the ideas of the American founding.

Peace Through Strength

In the early 1800s, Thomas Jefferson led a young America to war against Barbary state thugs whose Islamist political ideology led them to believe they had a divine right to dominate the West. The conditions that led America to victory then remain relevant today.

Donald Trump Pig Blood
Pig Blood and Glowing Sand

More than a third of self-identified evangelicals support Donald Trump, who touts a false story about an American general executing Muslim terrorists with bullets dipped in pig blood. These numbers suggest that American evangelicalism has a serious discipleship problem when it comes to the ethics of war and peace, and the name of that problem is not pacifism.

David Cameron Brexit Remain Leave Referendum
Brexit & European Disunion: Dipping a Toe in the Rubicon

Europe may cross the Rubicon on June 23 when the United Kingdom votes on whether to remain in or leave the European Union. The US should consider how Brexit could affect American foreign policy.

Marrakesh Mosque
Erasing Christianity in the Middle East

The Marrakesh Declaration is a good—albeit late—start. Political and religious leaders in the Middle East’s Muslim-majority nations have much ground to cover to protect religious minorities. Shiites are targeted in Sunni-majority nations, Sunnis in Shiite-majority nations, and Christians virtually everywhere in the Middle East.

Chaos Vancouver Riots
Chaos: The Fundamental Problem of Human Society

At any and every corner of personal and social life, the primary threat to human flourishing is the disordering of the human soul and social relations into self-centered, prideful, tribal, or sentimental factions. Chaos is a cancer that manifests itself within the soul of the individual and social relations when order disintegrates.

Obama Freedom Decline
The Decline of Freedom and the Obama Doctrine

In every year of Mr. Obama’s presidency, without exception, the cause of freedom has been in retreat around the world.

Why Not Draft Women
Why Not Draft Women?

Men and women are not the same, and treating them as if they were will not make them so.

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