Political Theory

Teaching IR Christianly 

What does it mean to teach man-made theories of social science and history in reference to transcendent Christian principles?

Who’s Afraid of Christian Nationalism?

Mark David Hall’s new book chronicles the history of “Christian nationalism” in America

Liberal Ideology is Not Enough to Save the West 

Conservatism as a way of life, not liberalism as an ideology, is necessary for preserving Western civilization

Christian Schools Must Teach International Relations Differently 

Christian universities must teach international relations differently than secular institutions

Remembering Russell Kirk, 30 Years Later

On the 30th anniversary of the death of Russell Kirk, his memory is needed more than ever

In Defense of Cold War Liberalism 

Hard to imagine why Yale University Press would publish Samuel Moyn’s new book when its narrative is so detached from reality

Slouching Towards Technocracy

The most essential political choice facing America today is between democracy and technocracy, and it is vital we choose the former.

The Dark Legacy of Tsarist Philosopher Ivan Ilyin

Among Putin’s favorite political theorists is Ivan Ilyn, defender of the tsarist trinity: Autocracy, Orthodoxy, Nationality

The Russo-Ukrainian War Through History’s Lens

The history of Imperial Russia is more relevant than ever with the invasion of Ukraine

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