
Nigeria’s Christian Repression Continues 

Violence in Nigeria against Christians by groups like Boko Haram is continuing unabated

Hamas, Israel, hostages
Hamas Must be Delegitimized Even As it is Destroyed

The hostage negotiations, while welcomed, gave Hamas a victory by affirming its status as the political leader in Gaza. No more. It’s time to kill it.

Misunderstanding bin Laden’s 2002 “Letter to Americans”

Osama bin Laden’s “Letter to Americans” from 2002 continues to be recirculated and misunderstood by Westerners

Foreign Policy ProvCast, Ep. 81 | Vincible Ignorance, Invincible Ignorance, and Just Getting it Wrong About Hamas

Marc LiVecche and Keith Pavlischek kvetch on pacifists, idealists, terrorist-enablers, and others who get Hamas, October 7th, and just war tradition wrong.

The Provcast: The Israel-Hamas War

Providence’s Marc LiVecche and Pepperdine’s Robert Kaufman discuss the Israel-Hamas War, proportionality, intent, and fighting to win

Israel flag
The Way Out is Through: Peace Must Start with the End of Hamas

While protecting her people and seeking justice, Israel must minimize harms against innocent Palestinians and multiply hell on Hamas.

Moral vs. Immoral Resistance Part II: Dietrich Bonhoeffer vs. Colombia’s Terrorists

What is the difference between a terrorist and a freedom-fighter? Part 2 of Eric Patterson’s 4-part series on Just War.

Iraq, Afghanistan, and America – 20 Years Later

The systemic problems in nations like Iraq and Afghanistan offer lessons to Americans about our own nation

The Muslim Brotherhood’s European Cash Cow: the European Union

The organs of the EU are funding organizations that have a stated intention to undermine that which forms the basis of, as the EU describes it, the “European way of life.”

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