Queen Elizabeth just celebrated her 90th birthday. In the global public eye since becoming the royal heir in 1936 upon…
Mark TooleyJune 13, 2016
The once powerful and widely despised widow of communist East Germany’s last dictator, herself unrepentant until the end about her…
Mark TooleyJune 11, 2016
The shocking thing about Michel Houellebecq’s Submission is not that it isn’t anti-Muslim. The shocking thing is that it’s not—or not primarily—anti-Islam.
Susannah BlackJune 9, 2016
Whether intentional or not, the Ukrainian embassy’s open house was a clever play at soft power, specifically through attraction.
Mark MeltonJune 8, 2016
It can be easy to lose sight of the importance of the U.S. Navy patrolling waters around the world. However, from historical, economic, and security perspectives a strong, globally positioned Navy remains crucial to American prosperity and leadership.
Brian SlatteryJune 3, 2016
There was an interesting exchange of articles recently about Pope Pius XII and Finnish WWII leader Marshal Carl Gustaf Emil…
Mark TooleyMay 26, 2016
The United States and NATO have zero tolerance for the use of nuclear weapons and would exact a punishing response against Russian leadership and/or military facilities ensuring there would be no second strike, to put it lightly. At least, this is what the U.S. government should make Waterford-crystal-clear.
Rebeccah HeinrichsMay 23, 2016
Jamala’s victory at Eurovision, a popular singing competition most Americans have never heard of, offers lessons in soft power.
Mark MeltonMay 19, 2016
Instead of viewing the U.S. military as the world’s policeman or as protecting free riders around the globe, we should understand why it is in America’s interests to maintain forces in Europe and ensure that NATO remains strong.
Brian SlatteryMay 3, 2016