
2017 Year of Anniversaries Martin Luther Reformation Balfour Declaration Six Day War Israel
2017: A Year of Anniversaries

In 2017, there are three anniversaries that are of particular interest to me as a Christian and as a Christian who supports Israel.

The U.S. “Abstention” on U.N. Resolution 2334 Condemning Israeli Settlements: Who Won?
The U.S. “Abstention” on U.N. Resolution 2334 Condemning Israeli Settlements: Who Won?

Because the U.N. does not have the power of the sword, the U.S. abstention in the recent U.N. vote has not weakened Israel at all; it has weakened the U.N.

Betrayal & Shame: The US Abstention From Allegiance With Israel

Further reflection on UN Resolution 2334

The US-Israel Fallout at the United Nations

9 things you need to know

President Obama Israel United Nations Palestine West Bank
Today We Joined the Jackals: Obama Ignores Middle East Chaos, Targets Jews

This Christmas Eve, two billion Christians around the world are reveling in the promise of peace on earth and goodwill toward men. What the United States of America just did at the United Nations does nothing for either cause.

Book Review Walter Brueggemann Chosen
Choosing to Misread?

Brueggemann’s Chosen? is an example of the one-sided propaganda which he says he deplores.

Islam Christianity End of Palestine
Islam, Christianity, & the End of Palestine

Twenty-three years ago today, Israeli Prime Minister Rabin and PLO negotiator Abbas agreed to the Oslo Accords.

Hidden Danger Just War Thinking
The Hidden Dangers of Just War Thinking

As a broad set of ethical principles, the just war outlook is vital to civilized society. However, errors come—and they can be dangerous ones—when proponents of just war take their categories too narrowly and apply their axioms without historical context.

Israel, Africa, and Entebbe Raid

July 4 marked the 40th anniversary of Israel’s daring rescue of hijacked airline passengers captive to Palestinian and German terrorists…