Middle East & North Africa

If Only America Could Choose Peace with Iran
If Only America Could Choose Peace with Iran

The debate in America about Iran is not about war vs. peace. That is not the debate because that is not the choice.

To Defeat the Islamic Fascism of Iran and Turkey, We Must Delegitimize the Ideology
To Defeat the Islamic Fascism of Iran and Turkey, We Must Delegitimize the Ideology

The rhetoric about the so-called “War on Terror” has led us down the wrong path for 20 years. Terrorism is…

The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of American Fatigue
The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of American Fatigue

A buzzword in the foreign policy world right now is fatigue. But according to the well-respected Chicago Council on Global Affairs Survey, 69 percent of Americans support the US taking an active role in world affairs.

Pharisees of Palestine - Kairos Document
Pharisees of Palestine

Ten years ago this month, 13 Palestinian Christian clerics issued the now-famous Kairos Palestine document at a Bethlehem conference organized to oppose Christian Zionism.

When Religious Freedom is Not Enough - Egypt Copt
When Religious Freedom is Not Enough

Egypt boasts the largest population of Christians in the Near East and thus offers the best chance to protect and empower them. A successful model here can be duplicated elsewhere.

Religious Freedom for Palestinian Christians? Not So Much - Bethlehem Palestine
Religious Freedom for Palestinian Christians? Not So Much

With Christmas just around the corner, many will soon be singing carols about that silent night in the little town of Bethlehem. Two thousand years later, it is worth asking what has become of the biblical town of Bethlehem and its Christians.

We Have an Expectation Problem in Afghanistan
We Have an Expectation Problem in Afghanistan

In the wake of the Washington Post’s big document dump of secret government and military communications about the war in Afghanistan, a fresh wave of calls for pulling out of Afghanistan is sounding across the media.

The Next Decade in the Middle East
The Next Decade in the Middle East

The US has limited ability to influence a regional cold war and needs to choose its priorities carefully. This will be the most important story for us in the next decade as we try to get out of the Middle East without abandoning our allies and making the situation worse.

The First Thing that Must Change for Iraq to Move Forward
The First Thing that Must Change for Iraq to Move Forward

The United States and the international community could make a difference in the future of Iraq by informing the incoming government that there will be no investment or access to capital markets until these militias, and Iranian influence, have been eliminated.