Aegis Ashore

Missile Defense: Insurance Against Mistakes, Miscalculation, and Madmen
Missile Defense: Insurance Against Mistakes, Miscalculation, and Madmen

As the number of missile-wielding states grows and as the nuclear club expands, the likelihood of a missile being unleashed against the American people or their allies—whether by mistake, miscalculation, or a madman—also grows. Missile defense doesn’t eliminate the danger, but it does give us a fighting chance to confront it.

Preempting Preemption: How America Can Respond to North Korea’s Nuclear Program
Preempting Preemption: How America Can Respond to North Korea’s Nuclear Program

North Korea’s nuclear-weapons tests, missile launches, and threats to attack American territory are hostile acts. What is debatable is how the United States and allies should respond.

A Defensive Shield President Trump Missile Defense
A Defensive Shield

One area, happily, where President-elect Donald Trump has left little room for concern, at least during the campaign, is missile defense.

Convince Russia Nuclear Retaliation Threat is Real

The United States and NATO have zero tolerance for the use of nuclear weapons and would exact a punishing response against Russian leadership and/or military facilities ensuring there would be no second strike, to put it lightly. At least, this is what the U.S. government should make Waterford-crystal-clear.