
Egyptian Thinkers Challenge Religious Persecution
Egyptian Thinkers Challenge Religious Persecution

A group of Egyptian thinkers has contested these practices and argued openly that restrictions against Christians ought to be repealed.

The Bold and the Free: Waging Media War in Arabic - Middle East Broadcasting Networks (MBN) - Al-Hurra
The Bold and the Free: Waging Media War in Arabic

Given the alarming trends in the Middle East, America should fashion agile media platforms that influence audiences in the region and—even more importantly—say something compelling.

Critical Conversations: Nicholson Discusses Middle East Policy with MBN’s Alberto Fernandez
America Talks to the Middle East an Interview with MBN’s Alberto Fernandez

Providence co-editor Robert Nicholson sat down with Ambassador Alberto Fernandez, president of the Middle East Broadcasting Networks (MBN). Throughout an extensive conversation, Nicholson posed five questions to Fernandez on topics ranging from Syria to the prospect of democracy in the greater Middle East.