America First

A Decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind

Non-Americans have long seen America as a fairer international dealer than her rivals. But why?

Edmund Burke Opposed Eruptions Abroad — Why Shouldn’t We?

Modern conservatism was born of the conviction that what happens abroad matters at home.

Volodymyr Zelensky Points the Way

Volodymyr Zelensky’s wartime leadership personifies a fierce defense of hearth, home and national sovereignty, a strong sense of national identity, a rejection of imperialism, marital and family values, and regard for human life, all while being in sync with the national purpose of the Ukrainian people.

American Withdrawal is America Last

Some America First Republicans are nearly indistinguishable from the standard fare retreaters we were served from the “Blame America First” leftists of the Cold War.

Is a Transatlantic Breakup Coming? Five Geopolitical Trends to Watch in Europe in 2020
Is a Transatlantic Breakup Coming? Five Geopolitical Trends to Watch in 2020

An outright transatlantic breakup isn’t imminent today, but some European countries may eventually try to balance the US and China geopolitically.

Nationalist America Creedal Tribal
America: Creedal or Tribal?

Nationalists believe that humanity is divided into mutually distinct, internally coherent groups defined by shared traits like language, religion, or culture, and that these groups should each have their own governments. There is an alternative.

A Christian Understanding of Human Rights
A Christian Understanding of Human Rights

The United States can protect its interests and promulgate its values at the same time. If we are to be exceptional, we must live in the tension that exceptionalism brings.

Withdrawal Symptoms: Part 2 of the Decline of Democracy Series
Withdrawal Symptoms: Part 2 of the Decline of Democracy Series

When it comes to democracy promotion, it seems the Obama-Trump era is the aberration.

A Flagging Commitment to Foreign Aid
A Flagging Commitment to Foreign Aid

The downward trend in foreign aid spending by the US government is not a function of the American people losing interest in foreign aid. After all, it has never been popular. More likely, it’s a function of presidents no longer defending foreign aid, explaining it, or connecting it to the national interest.