Thomas Aquinas

Alasdair MacIntyre - Doing Justice to Human Dignity
Doing Justice to Human Dignity

“As one might expect, for some, MacIntyre’s proposition to retire the concept of human dignity rang some alarm bells.”

Away from Liberalism: A Review of Sohrab Ahmari’s The Unbroken Thread
Away from Liberalism: A Review of Sohrab Ahmari’s The Unbroken Thread

“The Unbroken Thread” by Sohrab Ahmari shows us that our human capacities and loves are not and cannot be strictly contained within the horizons of philosophic liberalism.

Underwhelmed by “America Without God”
Underwhelmed by “America without God”

While I am in large agreement with Shadi Hamid’s essay, I find myself a bit underwhelmed for a few reasons.

A Brief Reflection on Sedition and Reconciliation
A Brief Reflection on Sedition and Reconciliation

The sad and lamentable truth is that indeed this is who we are, for it was members of our own body-politic who did this, and we cannot heal if we do not confront the uncomfortable facts as they are. It was sedition.

Pope Francis and the Problem of War in Fratelli Tutti
Pope Francis and the Problem of War in Fratelli Tutti

Pope Francis calls out the language of war. He speaks against “war” as a solution. In this, he echoes many prior popes.

The Virtuous Ruler: Hildegard of Bingen and the Question of Political Authority in Just War
The Virtuous Ruler: Hildegard of Bingen and the Question of Authority in Just War

For Hildegard, rulers who blatantly violate the virtuous example set by Christ lose their authority to rule. Following from that, an unvirtuous ruler would necessarily fail to be a right authority that can legitimately wage war.

Waiting for a Better Reformed Defense of Liberalism: A Review of Drunen’s Politics after Christendom
Waiting for a Better Reformed Defense of Liberalism: A Review of Van Drunen’s Politics after Christendom

Van Drunen’s Politics after Christendom doesn’t convincingly defend liberalism from a biblical perspective. Readers wanting a compelling Reformed defense of ordered liberty will have to keep waiting.

Paul Ramsey and the Recovery of the Just War Idea
Paul Ramsey and the Recovery of the Just War Idea

There are three important reasons why Paul Ramsey’s “The Just War” should be remembered and read by those who haven’t yet encountered it, or reread by those who have.

Stauffenberg and Tresckow: Consciences in Revolt
Valkyrie Revisited​: Stauffenberg and Tresckow, Consciences in Revolt

Last month marked the seventy-fifth anniversary of the failed bombing intended to assassinate the German Führer Adolf Hitler at his Wolf’s Lair field headquarters in what is now Gierłoż, Poland. The anniversary offers the opportunity to reflect not only on the nature of courage in dark times, but on the character and limits of Christian resistance to political evil.