Atomic Bombs

God or Godzilla?: Oppenheimer and the Dangers of Taking Nuclear Metaphors Too Literally

Some spiritual interpretations of atomic warfare are perfectly valid – others are positively radioactive

Land of the Rising Dead, Part One: Warrior Spirits

In Japan, even the dead get a say in how the nation’s war-machine should be run by the living.

World Government vs. World Community
World Government vs. World Community

Toward the end of World War II, Americans contemplated the possibility of “world government” to prevent another catastrophe, especially after the United States dropped atomic bombs on Japan.

Lighten Up, Francis

Pope Francis visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki this weekend. In both locations, he lamented the horrors and immorality of nuclear weapons. He got the horror right, not much else.

What You Should Know About Nuclear Weapons
What You Should Know About Nuclear Weapons

The U.S. Defense Department contains an inventory of roughly 7,100 nuclear warheads. About 4,760 are active, while approximately 2,340 warheads are retired, but still intact. The retired warheads are in storage and await dismantlement. Here is what you should know about nuclear weapons: