
Pope Francis and the Problem of War in Fratelli Tutti
Pope Francis and the Problem of War in Fratelli Tutti

Pope Francis calls out the language of war. He speaks against “war” as a solution. In this, he echoes many prior popes.

Eight Principles for Christian Realism
Eight Principles for Christian Realism

Followers of Christian realism generally share these eight assumptions, which can be found in the works of Reinhold Niebuhr, John C. Bennett, Jean Bethke Elshtain, and others.

To Renew a People: A Wesleyan Political Theology
To Renew a People: A Wesleyan Political Theology

John Wesley’s basic Augustinianism created a nonconformist populism that was intent on renewing the people. While Wesleyanism did not always live up to its core commitments, the heart of its political theology resides in a fusion of Wesleyan Augustinianism with nonconformist populism.

Are We All Christians Now? A Review of Tom Holland’s Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World
Are We All Christians Now? A Review of Tom Holland’s Dominion

Tom Holland, author of the recently published “Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World,” has done a great service to current discussions on the relationship between Christianity and Western civilization.

Recalling Human Folly

Monuments recalling human folly may be no less important than ones honoring heroic human action.

That Smile: A Review of Timothy Keller John Inazu’s Uncommon Ground
That Smile: A Review of Timothy Keller and John Inazu’s Uncommon Ground

It is understandable that for many evangelicals their smile has given way to a frown in an increasingly aggressive and hostile secular culture. It is this reality that Timothy Keller and John Inazu engage in Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference.

The US Navy’s Role in the Defense of International Sovereignty

The National Security Strategy says China’s economic and military actions risk diminishing the sovereignty of many states in the Indo-Pacific. The US Navy has a role in defending these states’ rights.

Ten Theses on Christian Realism: A Reply to Scott McKnight
Ten Theses on Christian Realism: A Reply to Scot McKnight

Scott McKnight recently posted a blog on Christian realism quoting long sections from Lee Camp’s new manifesto Scandalous Witness. Daniel Strand responds.

Christian Realism and Fires that Won’t Go Away: A Book Review of William Brodrick A Whispered Name
Christian Realism and Fires that Won’t Go Away: A Review of William Brodrick’s A Whispered Name

William Brodrick’s “A Whispered Name” is a lyrical reflection on responsibility, judgment, grief, the elusiveness of justice, reconciliation, and human longing.