
The Chaplaincy: a Public Role of Christianity in the United States

Reclaiming chaplains who understand themselves first as chaplains, and not merely as decorative functionaries would be one way of retrieving Christianity in the public square.

Fighting for the Right to Be Jewish: Religious Liberty and Government Establishment

A state-enforced sexual establishment parallels the kind of religious establishment dissenters have long sought to dismantle, and for sound reasons.

Government’s Two-Edged Sword

The Christian challenge is to identify a role for good government to restrain evil alongside other God-given institutions while at the same time establishing robust means to check the evil of government.

“Not One Nation Alone, but of All People”

Love of country, patriotism, unity, the desire for religious liberty, and the hopes to see the world evangelized ought to mark Christians. Yet, these qualities exist alongside the realities of a fallen world, marred by sin.

Religious Freedom and the Kingdom of God: A Review of Andrew T. Walker’s Liberty for All
Religious Freedom and the Kingdom of God: A Review of Andrew T. Walker’s Liberty for All

Christians must advocate religious liberty not just for themselves, Walker argues, but “with the conviction that true freedom means allowing fellow citizens… to freely exercise their beliefs with dignity.”

On the Pastor Dying Young: Remembering John Powell
On the Pastor Dying Young: Remembering John Powell

The pastor dying young is gone, and his loss is a sharp cut. But John Powell’s day of glory is not a memento of the past. His day of glory, of reward for a life well-lived in God’s power, has just begun.

George Floyd and the Test for White Evangelicals
George Floyd and the Test for White Evangelicals

“After our arrival we went up to the town of Savannah; and the same evening I went to a friend’s…

Missionaries as Spies in World War II: A Review of Matthew A. Sutton’s Double Crossed
Missionaries as Spies in World War II: A Review of Matthew A. Sutton’s Double Crossed

Matthew A. Sutton’s Double Crossed is an important book that offers a case study of how religious leaders contributed to national security in a challenging wartime environment.

Part 1: Protestant Roots of US Foreign Policy Divisions Michael Doran Mark Tooley FDR Teddy
Part 1: Protestant Roots of US Foreign Policy Divisions

The foreign policies of Teddy Roosevelt and his distant cousin Franklin D. Roosevelt represent an intersection between two different Protestant worldviews.