Border Security

Acknowledging Russian Security Threats While Avoiding Russophobia

For the sake of someday having positive relations with Russia post-Putin, we must avoid Russophobia even as we support Ukraine

Hard Realities, Tough Choices on Controlling Undocumented Immigration on the Border

The situation at the border is undeniably a crisis, and whatever course of action America pursues will be fraught with difficulty

Holocaust Comparisons Are Stupid and Self-defeating—But Possibly Revealing as Well
AOC’s Holocaust Comparisons Are Stupid and Self-defeating—But Revealing as Well

I am not, here, interested in debating the specific conditions on our southern border. This is its own crisis. What I am interested in is commenting on why comparing what’s going on down there to the Holocaust is foolish both historically and strategically. For what it’s worth, my objections apply to nearly any comparison made between the Holocaust and a current atrocity—real or perceived.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AOC at SXSW
AOC, Detention Centers, and The Children of Light

People acting to rid the world of injustice without knowing the darkness of their own hearts are dangerous, because they are blind to their own propensity toward injustice.