Charles W. Gilkey

Have We Any Spiritual Capital for Export?
Have We Any Hope for Export?

Have we any hope and faith for export? In this time of apprehension and pessimism, here as well as over there, have we any hope and faith to spare?

Reinhold Niebuhr vs. Henry Wallace

Keynoting a “Beat Dewey” rally at Madison Square Garden on September 12, 1946, Secretary of Commerce Henry Wallace warned Americans against the Truman administration’s “get tough with Russia” policy. Reinhold Niebuhr responded.

Patient Foreign Policy and the “Long Pull”
Patient Foreign Policy and the Cold War “Long Pull”

The following two articles appeared in Christianity and Crisis on September 16, 1946. They both reflect on America’s relations with the Soviet Union post-World War II and try to develop a Christian approach to this challenge.

Global Generosity and “Being Played for Suckers”
Global Generosity and “Being Played for Suckers”

In this article originally published by Christianity and Crisis on March 18, 1946, Charles W. Gilkey warns Americans not to worry that helping people abroad will make them “suckers.”