Christian Ethics

Whither the Niebuhrians? Why Niebuhr has Fallen Upon Hard Times
Whither the Niebuhrians? Why Niebuhr has Fallen Upon Hard Times

As young Christians continue to rediscover the religion’s historical ethical tradition, their affinity for Niebuhr is likely to continue to abate.

Freedom of Religion and the Christian Ethics of the Nation-State
Freedom of Religion and the Christian Ethics of the Nation-State

A socially responsible Christian ethic understands that the ordinance of the nation-state—even in a fallen world—calls for prophetic scrutiny in hopes that it would be brought back in alignment with civic and moral righteousness.

Hiroshima atomic attack Christian ethics Zahnd
Moral Horror: Christian Ethics & Hiroshima

The attack on Hiroshima was a moral horror but not a moral wrong. As such, it reveals important committments that ought to guide Christian moral reasoning.

Should Christians Support Deploying Diplomats Instead of Troops?
Should Christians Support Deploying Diplomats Instead of Troops?

American Christians should advocate for exhaustive attempts at diplomacy before endorsing US policies that produce further conflict and chaos.

United Methodist Social Principles: Christian Social Principles or Political Preferences?
United Methodist Social Principles: Christian Social Principles or Political Preferences?

The United Methodist Social Principles fails to explain how the authors derive their conclusions from the authority of scripture, which should be the ultimate rule and guide for Christian social principles. And it fails even to reference the long and illustrious history of Christian reflection on these questions.

The Great Good of Order: A Partial Defense of Jeff Sessions
The Great Good of Order: A Partial Defense of Jeff Sessions

Most Christians, including most evangelicals, have been falling over themselves to denounce Jeff Sessions. But the way this immigration debate is carried out too often mirrors the political debate.

trump kim jong un
Reflections on a Handshake (Antesummit)

Was it right for President Trump to meet with Kim Jong Un? Christian reflection insists that politics cannot be separated from ethics. Can peace be separated from justice?

Are We Still Fighting a Cold War?
Are We Still Fighting a Cold War?

There is no nation in which we can place total faith.

American Power and the Ways the World Ends
American Power and the Ways the World Ends

Are we, in fact, seeking through foreign policy to protect ourselves from a pre-millennial apocalypse—or, perhaps, to bring about a post-millennial one? The intellectual and spiritual resources of Protestant Christianity have a great deal to add to this debate. But up until now, I haven’t seen much evidence that these resources have yet been brought to bear on these questions.