Colin Dueck

General Matthew B. Ridgway: Conservative Internationalist
General Matthew B. Ridgway: Conservative Internationalist

General Matthew Ridgway was a conservative internationalist who supported free institutions, defense alliances, and unsurpassed military might while opposing unsustainable wars beyond the range of national interests.

Reinhold Niebuhr and the Second World War

Beginning in 1940, Reinhold Niebuhr made the case for a sober, realistic, and morally grounded US involvement overseas, out of the central admission that whatever America’s own faults, a punctilious detachment from world affairs might very well result in the triumph of greater imbalances and injustices

An Old Grand Strategy for A New Era: Rediscovering American Conservative Nationalism | Review of Colin Dueck’s Age of Iron
An Old Grand Strategy for A New Era: Rediscovering American Conservative Nationalism | Review of Colin Dueck’s Age of Iron

Colin Dueck’s “Age of Iron: On Conservative Nationalism” presents a sophisticated outlook on the future of Republican foreign policy.