Critical Theory

It’s Okay To Run For School Board

Political action, in the form of running for a school-board seat, is not the abdication of discipleship or a self-serving act to win the culture war.

Choosing Courage at the Time of Cowardice, Opportunism, and Adversity - Václav Havel
Choosing Courage at the Time of Cowardice, Opportunism, and Adversity

The courage of Václav Havel was grounded in a sense of responsibility for promoting ideals and values that transcend material goods, confront human decadence, and endure beyond our earthly existence.

Keys to the Kingdom, Light to the World: A Review of Barbato, Joustra, and Hoover’s Modern Papal Diplomacy and Social Teaching in World Affairs

The overall intent of Modern Papal Diplomacy and Social Teaching in World Affairs is to continue the rediscovery of theology’s influence on politics with respect to the recent papacy.