Proponents of the “Dugin the mastermind” argument need to substantiate their claims with evidence and ask themselves how effective, if at all, is Dugin at influencing Kremlin elites and Russian foreign policy.
George BarrosJuly 8, 2019
Russia, Syria, and Iran have successfully defied US interests in the Middle East. It will take significant and aggressive measures to separate these allies.
Nathaniel MullinsDecember 28, 2017
James Kirchick’s The End of Europe provides an informative tour through contemporary political developments, but its lack of analytical rigor is remarkable.
Mark R. RoyceJune 8, 2017
Whether intentional or not, the Ukrainian embassy’s open house was a clever play at soft power, specifically through attraction.
Mark MeltonJune 8, 2016
Two years after the Ukrainian revolution that eventually ousted its thuggish president, enthusiasm for the European project has reached a new low.
Joseph LoconteDecember 30, 2015