
No, Churchill Did Not Instigate WWII Against Hitler

Despite historian Darryl Cooper’s recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Hitler and the Nazis were unquestionably the real culprits behind the Second World War

Chosen: A Lament for War

A Lament for War: Director Jasmin Dizdar on his Holocaust Film “The Chosen” and His Family History.

ALEXANDER DUGIN: Critique, Confrontation, and Chrysalis

Alexander Dugin is a serious scholar, a genuine intellectual, and a provocative social scientist who may be not unworthily pronounced the most formidable theoretical opponent of Western liberalism since Lenin.

The Danger of Revolutionary Idealism: the Violence of Collectivism

The Rise of Violent, Revolutionary Ideology in the 20th Century and its Christian Realist Tonic.

The War through Mosfilm’s Eyes

The Mosfilm war movies collection greatly enhances understanding of the political psychology of contemporary Russian external aggression, especially the otherwise almost inexplicable official framing of the Ukrainian invasion

Herbert Butterfield: Britain’s Reinhold Niebuhr?

Herbert Butterfield’s Christian faith essentially inspired his view of history and government and made him the English forerunner of a hopeful Christian Realism as an alternative to both Western secular materialist liberalism and collectivist atheist Marxism.

Franco Resurrected - Valle de los Caídos
Franco Resurrected

Removing Francisco Franco’s body from the Valle de los Caídos would disturb an unwritten pact of forgiveness and forgetting Spain made during its transition to democracy.

Bourgeois Self-Pity: A Warning. Book Review of Madeleine Albright's Fascism: A Warning
Bourgeois Self-Pity: A Warning. Review of Madeleine Albright’s Fascism: A Warning

Madeleine Albright’s Fascism: A Warning is both cynical and shallow.

The Third Camp - Reinhold Niebuhr Theology and American Foreign Policy
The Third Camp: Reinhold Niebuhr’s Theology and American Foreign Policy

From the ashes of both Bryan’s ignoble isolationism and Wilson’s utopian universalism rose the school of Christian realism advocated by Reinhold Niebuhr.