Great Britain

Blair, Starmer and the Revival of British Centrism

Despite frequent comparisons, Keir Starmer lacks the philosophical depth and thoughtfulness of Tony Blair

Refuge for the Persecuted

May God always protect the prosecuted and the countries that give them asylum.

Conscience and Commerce: Thoughts from John Wesley

“Gain all you can”; “Save all you can”; “Give all you can.” This was John Wesley’s maxim for gaining and spending money.

Quality vs Quantity in Military Production

History shows that a high-end weapon system, alone on the battlefield, can be outmatched and overtaken by lesser systems.

Why a Coronation Matters

Where men are forbidden to honour a king they honour millionaires, athletes, or film-stars

Resurrecting GK Chesterton’s Democracy of the Dead 

This Veterans Day, growing disrespect for the war-dead seems a sad symptom of our ever-widening distance from the ways of our ancestors.

Guy Fawkes & National Identity

The day has been central to Britain’s unfolding self-identity as  independent, self-governing, defiant, free from domestic and external tyranny. 

It’s Okay To Run For School Board

Political action, in the form of running for a school-board seat, is not the abdication of discipleship or a self-serving act to win the culture war.

Losing Elections

Famously, when he lost the 1945 general election, Winston Churchill was told it was a blessing in disguise, to which…