
Hope for Post-Coronavirus America

Of course America will survive the coronavirus. We’ve many times survived far worse.

Promise and Pluralism in Israel’s Nation-State Law
Promise and Pluralism in Israel’s Nation-State Law

The international community already decided almost 100 years ago that Israel can be the national home for the Jewish people while respecting non-Jews civil rights.

A Hebraic Approach to History: Response to Doran's "The Theology of Foreign Policy"
A Hebraic Approach to History: Response to Doran’s “The Theology of Foreign Policy”

Ultimately, why Americans see the world through one theological lens or another has a lot to do with whether they identify more closely with a Hebraic or Hellenic kind of Christianity. Put another way, American Christians view the world differently depending on how much they read the Bible, believe the Bible is divinely inspired, and accept the Bible as authoritative in their lives.

Afterthoughts on the Farewell Address: Washington's Wisdom
Afterthoughts on the Farewell Address: Washington’s Wisdom

In this convicting article, originally published in Christianity and Crisis on March 8, 1943, Editor Howard C. Robbins decries isolationism as the ideology of less prosperous and influential times. He exhorts the United States to assume the responsibility demanded of a large nation-state and work to “end international anarchy.” Evoking the spirit of George Washington’s Farewell Address, Robbins pleads the United States to embrace a central role in international politics. Furthermore, he implores the American public to follow in Washington’s footsteps by shedding partisan politics.