Henry Kissinger

Pacem in Terris and Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger thought deeply about the legacy of Pope John XXIII’s encyclical “Pacem in Terris” (Peace on Earth)

Kissinger, America & Humanity

Kisinger was immune to soaring Yankee optimism. 

Getting Sex-Real About Feminism

Erika Bachiochi’s book “The Rights of Women” is an excellent resource for sex-realist feminism in IR

“Golda,” Nixon & Russia

Perhaps Meir, who supposedly believed Russia never changes, would also note that Russia never learns.

Young Henry Kissinger’s Philosophy of History

With Henry Kissinger celebrating his 100th birthday on May 27th, 2023, a review of his undergrad honors thesis is apt.

Henry Kissinger’s Next Century

Kissinger the Centenarian continues to amaze – his wisdom is a national treasure in this troubled twenty-first century.

PBS’s “The Movement & The Madman”

Reinhold Niebuhr would recognize the nuances that this documentary chose to ignore.  

Leadership: Six Studies in World Strategy by Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger has done it again with the publication of this outstanding book on leadership. 

How “Strategic Ambiguity” Led to the Great War
How “Strategic Ambiguity” Led to the Great War

What we can gain from the origins of the Great War is that strategic ambiguity played a role in bringing on that cataclysm.