There’s at least one place that likes President Trump so much he’s been awarded a medal for bravery. The honor was bestowed by the people of Logar province, Afghanistan, after he announced that the U.S. would freeze military assistance for Pakistan, due to what he described as a record of “lies and deceit.” The president was right to take this action.
Alan DowdFebruary 15, 2018
Despite the fact that Syria and Iraq have been struggling with humanitarian crises, the reality of Christian minorities in both countries may be worlds apart.
Ewelina U. OchabAugust 1, 2017
It is impossible in this post to address every misconception, misattribution, and false narrative in the Heritage Foundation’s “South Sudan: Time for the U.S. to Hold the Combatants Accountable” report on South Sudan.
American military power is critical to securing the American homeland, preserving American economic and political interests at home and abroad, and securing the global commons upon which our nation and the rest of the world benefit.
Brian SlatteryDecember 12, 2016
In the midst of dire circumstances, civil society and church communities in Lebanon are providing necessary assistance to Syrian refugees. And the fulfillment of many refugees’ dreams rests on the generosity and sacrifice of countless individuals deciding to serve their community.
Olivia EnosNovember 4, 2016
Obama should address human rights challenges in his private meetings with Laotian government officials. More specifically, Obama should reiterate U.S. government calls for an investigation into the enforced disappearance of decorated Laotian rural community leader, Sombath Somphone.
Olivia EnosAugust 31, 2016
Instead of viewing the U.S. military as the world’s policeman or as protecting free riders around the globe, we should understand why it is in America’s interests to maintain forces in Europe and ensure that NATO remains strong.
Brian SlatteryMay 3, 2016