Hong Kong Protests

The China Nexus: Thirty Years In and Around the Chinese Communist Party’s Tyranny

Benedict Rogers’ “The China Nexus: Thirty Years In and Around the CCP’s Tyranny” traces the mounting repression of the Chinese state

The Chinese Christians Fighting for Hong Kong

“If I suffer for the right cause, it only define[s] the person I am becoming. It can only be good for me to become a better person if I believe in the Lord.”

Xi’s Color Revolution Obsession

Xi Jinping is rolling out strategy to prohibit “western influences” in Chinese society from repeating so-called Color Revolutions such as those in the post-USSR.

The Latest Arrests of Pro-Democracy Leaders in Hong Kong Lend Urgency to Extending Refugee Status to Persecuted Hong Kongers

More pro-democracy leaders in Hong Kong have been arrested—including, astoundingly, a 90-year-old renowned Catholic cardinal, Joseph Zen.

A Guide to the US-China Contest in 2020
A Guide to the US-China Contest in 2020

The real 2020 questions about the US-China contest lie in how they influence the context for global trade, technology standards, military tools, and power projection.

Why the Results of the Taiwan Elections Matter
Why the Results of the Taiwan Elections Matter

The reelection of President Tsai Ing-wen matters because the people’s voices were heard, and they signaled to mainland China and the rest of the world that they deeply value and cherish their freedom, democracy, human rights, and religious freedom.

Sign the Law, Stand with Hong Kong

It is tempting for presidents, who are the final arbiters of exercising state power in foreign affairs, to view the material realm as destiny. But ideas and principles have power too, often above and beyond the visible.

Hong Kong Protests
Hong Kong: Where the Contradictions Lead…

China needs to solve the Hong Kong problem, and time is running out before the October 1 National Day celebration,…

The Rhetoric of Freedom

“The Hong Kong thing is a very tough situation. Very tough,” Donald Trump said on Tuesday. “We’ll see what happens….