Hong Kong

Christians Must Not Be Silent on China’s Human Rights Abuses
Christians Must Not Be Silent on China’s Human Rights Abuses

In the past few years, global awareness of China’s current human rights violations has grown exponentially, but the United Nations and many world leaders have made little to no response. Frankly, most people around the world, including Christians, have been silent on the issue of China’s human rights violations.

A Case for Rebuilding the US Commitment to Refugees
A Case for Rebuilding the US Commitment to Refugees

To renew our national spirit, we must rebuild our refugee resettlement program.

Beneath the Waves of the South China Sea Dispute
Beneath the Waves of the South China Sea Dispute

Much of China may convert to Christianity by 2050. What are the implications of such a projection, and how might it affect US foreign policy toward issues like the South China Sea?

The World Finally Sees Xi’s China as It Is
The World Finally Sees Xi’s China as It Is

After years of wishful thinking, America and its allies in the Indo-Pacific are returning, finally, to what President Franklin Roosevelt called “armed defense of democratic existence.” Given Beijing’s actions both at home and abroad, one wonders what took them so long.

Coronavirus Opens New Front in US-China Cold War
Coronavirus Opens New Front in US-China Cold War

Some in the West may hope that COVID-19 exposes the Chinese Communist Party’s lies and human rights violations while sparking mass protests. Meanwhile, the pandemic spreads in the West and complicates the geopolitical rivalry between the US and China.

A Guide to the US-China Contest in 2020
A Guide to the US-China Contest in 2020

The real 2020 questions about the US-China contest lie in how they influence the context for global trade, technology standards, military tools, and power projection.

Why the Results of the Taiwan Elections Matter
Why the Results of the Taiwan Elections Matter

The reelection of President Tsai Ing-wen matters because the people’s voices were heard, and they signaled to mainland China and the rest of the world that they deeply value and cherish their freedom, democracy, human rights, and religious freedom.

New Battle Lines over Freedom in Hong Kong
New Battle Lines over Freedom in Hong Kong

The United States must make it abundantly clear that the Chinese Communist Party can no longer enjoy the benefits of American policy without fulfilling its obligations.

Sign the Law, Stand with Hong Kong

It is tempting for presidents, who are the final arbiters of exercising state power in foreign affairs, to view the material realm as destiny. But ideas and principles have power too, often above and beyond the visible.