
Economists as the High Priests of Liberalism

We have to be far, far more critical of which measurements we can take as proxies for a healthy nation. Economists can’t make these distinctions and libertarians don’t want to.

Niebuhr’s European Impressions: From Truman Doctrine to State Churches
Niebuhr’s European Impressions: From Truman Doctrine to State Churches

After traveling through Europe in 1947—including to Scotland, Amsterdam, and Switzerland—Reinhold Niebuhr wrote some reflections, including on state churches, the Truman Doctrine, Christian political parties, and more.

Waiting for a Better Reformed Defense of Liberalism: A Review of Drunen’s Politics after Christendom
Waiting for a Better Reformed Defense of Liberalism: A Review of Van Drunen’s Politics after Christendom

Van Drunen’s Politics after Christendom doesn’t convincingly defend liberalism from a biblical perspective. Readers wanting a compelling Reformed defense of ordered liberty will have to keep waiting.

Dictatorships and Democracy: Kagan Contra Kirkpatrick
Dictatorships and Democracy: Kagan Contra Kirkpatrick

Kirkpatrick has since passed from the scene, but her influence lives on, as evidenced in Robert Kagan’s exhaustive essay “The Strongmen Strike Back.”

The Decline of Democracy
The Decline of Democracy

This retreat of democracy and free government represents a challenge—and a threat—to America.

Does Liberalism Have a Future?
Does Liberalism Have a Future?

Today we see forces against liberalism at home and abroad. We need statesmen who understand liberalism and who can make the case for limited, representative, and accountable government.