Tyrants and despotisms always beckon. But the “blessings and security of self-government” offer greater happiness.
Mark TooleyJuly 3, 2023
The purpose of Christian engagement in politics is not to eradicate injustice and evil but to express love towards people and to testify to the goodness of Christ
John BarrettAugust 5, 2022
Memorial Day should remind us of a debt that we, as citizens, owe to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, and it is a call to action to appropriately honor those who have served in the armed forces.
Eric PattersonMay 31, 2021
Delight in your family and community and boldly have a very happy Independence Day.
Rebeccah HeinrichsJuly 3, 2020
Serious praise of America by prominent Christian thinkers was hard to find this Independence Day, but we should be willing to appreciate and defend her.
Rebeccah HeinrichsJuly 26, 2017
Few Americans realize that Fourth of July celebrations once occurred in a place where they are now inconceivable: Pyongyang, now the capital of North Korea.
Robert S. KimJuly 4, 2017