
The Middle East Still Matters, So We Must Engage
The Middle East Still Matters, So We Must Engage

As American Christians, what is our relationship with the Middle East, and why does it matter to us? How does our relationship contrast to the superficial and shortsighted way governments engage the region?

Pharisees of Palestine - Kairos Document
Pharisees of Palestine

Ten years ago this month, 13 Palestinian Christian clerics issued the now-famous Kairos Palestine document at a Bethlehem conference organized to oppose Christian Zionism.

Religious Freedom for Palestinian Christians? Not So Much - Bethlehem Palestine
Religious Freedom for Palestinian Christians? Not So Much

With Christmas just around the corner, many will soon be singing carols about that silent night in the little town of Bethlehem. Two thousand years later, it is worth asking what has become of the biblical town of Bethlehem and its Christians.

The Next Decade in the Middle East
The Next Decade in the Middle East

The US has limited ability to influence a regional cold war and needs to choose its priorities carefully. This will be the most important story for us in the next decade as we try to get out of the Middle East without abandoning our allies and making the situation worse.

Dual Democracies? A Proposal for Israel and Palestine - Dual Democracies Initiative (DDI)
Jewish Citizens in a Future Democratic Palestine?

The Dual Democracies Initiative (DDI) offers a solution based on the principle that if Israelis, Palestinians, Jews, and Arabs are going to live together, they should learn to benefit from each other.

Can Christians Support a Resurgent Nationalism?
Can Christians Support a Resurgent Nationalism?

Christians can love their nation-state, but civil love should not eclipse the agape love of the Kingdom of God.

The Little-known History of Israel and the Kurds

In the fallout of President Trump decision to essentially abandon our Kurdish allies in Syria, one seemingly unlikely country offered…

“The Bookcase” Spring-Summer 2019 Issue

The Right Side of History: How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great, by Ben Shapiro (Broadside, 2019). This…

What Should Palestinians Think of Trump’s “Deal of the Century”
What Should Palestinians Think of Trump’s “Deal of the Century”?

For more than two decades, most Israelis and Palestinians have accepted the “two-state solution” for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This solution…