Jus Ad Bellum

Show Last Resort the Exit - Just War Tradition
Show Last Resort the Exit

If we use last resort to prevent war in almost all circumstances because we see the use of force as evil, we do not preserve peace but instead allow injustices to go unchecked.

Colombia and the FARC: Problems with Creating Peace
Colombia and the FARC: Problems with Creating Peace

The peace agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC is slightly over a year old, but there are a number of issues that will continue to be a concern from a practical and moral perspective.

Just Prudence: Defending Aquinas on Preemption, Prevention, & Decisiveness in War
Just Prudence: Defending Aquinas on Preemption, Prevention, & Decisiveness in War

St. Thomas Aquinas knew more than his modern emendators do about grounding his just war deliberations—and much else—in the cardinal moral virtue of prudence.

Jean Bethke Elshtain: An Augustinian at War
Jean Bethke Elshtain: An Augustinian at War

Jean Bethke Elshtain (1941-2013) was an American political theorist, ethicist, and public intellectual who made scholarly contributions to various debates, and especially on the just war tradition.

A Moral Bridgehead into Iran’s Destabilizing Extraterritorial Actions (IDEAs)
A Moral Bridgehead against Iran’s Destabilizing Extraterritorial Actions (IDEAs)

Iran’s destabilizing actions across the Middle East require powers like the United States to maintain moral bridgeheads against it.

First to Fight for Right Lewis Chesty Puller First Marine Division Just War
First to Fight for Right: “Chesty” Puller & America’s Defenders Today

The First Marine Division’s paragon of virtue, Chesty Puller, upheld the standards of just warfighting and respect, if not love, of the enemy. We pray his progeny leading the defense of our nation today will do the same.

Just War Theory & Terrorism
Just War Theory & Terrorism

This essay provides a brief overview of the just war tradition and then applies the framework to the problem of contemporary terrorism.