Michael Walzer

Just War & National Honor: The Case of Vietnam
Just War & National Honor: The Case of Vietnam

Just war theorizing has typically left the issue of national honor untouched, although warriors and statesmen routinely emphasize the importance of vindicating the sacrifice of the fallen. Does prolonging a war in order to assuage or vindicate national honor comport with the just war tradition?

Just Prudence: Defending Aquinas on Preemption, Prevention, & Decisiveness in War
Just Prudence: Defending Aquinas on Preemption, Prevention, & Decisiveness in War

St. Thomas Aquinas knew more than his modern emendators do about grounding his just war deliberations—and much else—in the cardinal moral virtue of prudence.

Michael Walzer
The Paradox of Michael Walzer

This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of Michael Walzer’s first book, The Revolution of the Saints. The intellectual shortcomings of the left (and right) are attested by their failure to appreciate their greatest philosopher’s most stimulating work.