
Nigel Biggar Preaches on Immigration

Illegal economic migrants should be returned home, Biggar said, otherwise additional waves will be encouraged to migrate, nullifying national borders.

Tensions along the US-Mexico Border: Using “Lethal Force” against Migrants
Tensions along the US-Mexico Border: Using “Lethal Force” against Migrants

W. Alejandro Sanchez: Trump’s inflammatory language is not helpful. Rather than engaging with the governments of Central America or the new administration in Mexico, or with the caravan leaders themselves, the president has focused on militarizing the border, vilifying the migrants, and threatening US allies.

US-Central America Relations: Using Aid as a Foreign Policy Tool Will Backfire
US-Central America Relations: Using Aid as a Foreign Policy Tool Will Backfire

President Trump has threatened to cut financial aid to Honduras and the other Central American nations where migrants originate. This is a bad idea that will backfire.

The Latin American Good Samaritan and the Venezuelan Exodus - Venezuela Refugee
The Latin American Good Samaritan and the Venezuelan Exodus

An estimated 10 percent of Venezuela’s population has fled the country, putting stress on other governments in Latin America since these nations still have their own challenges.

ISIS Merkel Migrants
ISIS, Merkel, & Migrants

From the Winter 2016 Issue of the Print Edition