Napoleon Bonaparte

Keeping Napoleons in Exile

The West must continue to defend itself from other cultures that still glorify empire and tyranny.

Tilting at the Windmill of Strategic Autonomy

France’s centuries-long quest for strategic autonomy has more often than not led to bad outcomes for the French.

Should Christians Support Deploying Diplomats Instead of Troops?
Should Christians Support Deploying Diplomats Instead of Troops?

American Christians should advocate for exhaustive attempts at diplomacy before endorsing US policies that produce further conflict and chaos.

No Peace With Hitler's Generals: Conquer the Military Caste
No Peace With Hitler’s Generals: Conquer the Military Caste

Almost all nations field armies; fewer, even in 1943, retained a warrior caste who dominated nearly every facet of political and cultural life. In this incisive article, originally published in Christianity and Crisis on March 8, 1943, Robert E. Fitch argues that winning the War and achieving peace stems from breaking the feudal martial classes of Hitler’s Nazi Germany and Tojo’s Imperial Japan.