
Behind the Resurgence of Hindu Nationalism
Behind the Resurgence of Hindu Nationalism

The reelection of Narendra Modi to the office of prime minister of India earlier this year confirmed the continuing relevance of Hindu nationalism as an influential ideology.

Can Christians Support a Resurgent Nationalism?
Can Christians Support a Resurgent Nationalism?

Christians can love their nation-state, but civil love should not eclipse the agape love of the Kingdom of God.

Salute to America 2019 - The Opposition to Nationalism that Wasn’t
The Opposition to Nationalism that Wasn’t

The current discussion of “nationalism” seems to be mostly a battle of words and caricatures that bears little on the actual reality or lives of regular people.

Looking for Common Ground on the Right
Looking for Common Ground on the Right

There are two different conversations going on simultaneously from the right. One is an argument directed outward, toward the progressive left and “globalists.” The other is an argument directed inward, within the right, between nationalists and conservatives.

Defending a Modest Version of the National Conservativism Project
Defending a Modest Version of the National Conservativism Project

The nation is not a thing to be invested with religious content. But Christians who support the National Conservativism project recognize that without a home, a nation, there is no room for Christianity at all.

National Conservatism: Policy, Polemics, or the Postmortem of a Culture?

The fundamental issues in Senator Josh Hawley’s ending keynote address were, first, according to him, the leadership class is ignoring…

Religious Liberty versus Nationalism?

There were two notable conferences in DC this past week: the second annual Ministerial on International Religious Freedom, hosted by…

Is Christian Realism Enough?
Is Christian Realism Enough?

Identity politics, which seems to be anti-Christian, is in fact a profoundly Protestant heresy, which can only be corrected by a Protestantism that has the audacity to double-down on the claim identity politics makes about the irredeemable sins of man, and yet insist that a divine scapegoat, rather than a merely mortal one, is the resolution to the problem that is man, and the source of his redemption.

Debating “National Conservatism”
Debating “National Conservatism”

I welcome the effort to give nationalism more depth because one of the more maddening features of political debate over the past few years is the difficulty in nailing down what exactly the nationalist side believes. In that spirit, I have some questions for the advocates of National Conservatism.