Oil and Gas

Biden’s Failed Strategy in Venezuela and Iran

To understand why Biden’s strategy failed in Venezuela, it is clarifying to consider his similarly ineffective approach to Iran

Artsakh: Obsessions and Distractions in the Wake of the War in Ukraine

As the West is distracted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, another conflict simmers in the Caucasus.

Biden’s Saudi Visit was a Win for Americans

Threatening the US-Saudi partnership over of Saudi Arabian crimes would risk more American lives, cause greater conflict, and increase injustice and human suffering.

Russia’s Long History of Obstructing Iranian Progress toward Freedom - Iran Russia
Russia’s Long History of Obstructing Iranian Progress toward Freedom

A look at the history of Iran-Russia relations demonstrates the same pattern of Russian regimes exploiting Iranian resources. Most evidently, tsarist Russia obstructed the Iranian Constitutional Revolution of 1906–07, and the Soviet Union attempted to create a satellite state in the Azerbaijan province of Iran.

Where is the Love? A Just War Response to Germany’s Position on Ukraine
Where is the Love? A Just War Response to Germany’s Position on Ukraine

Germany does not love her neighbor when she rejects Ukraine’s plea for defensive weapons.