Paris Attacks

The Caliphate & the Cosmopolis
The Caliphate & the Cosmopolis

The point is not that one nation-state attacked another. It is precisely that the Caliphate attacked one of the cities in… let’s call it the Cosmopolis, the collection of cities that are the capitals of what was once Christendom.

Moral Clarity in a Time of Terror
Moral Clarity in a Time of Terror

Christianity can provide us with a clear lens with which to scrutinize the Paris terror attacks. They were deliberate, unrestrained, unprovoked, and unlawful (extra-judicial) mass murder perpetrated by sadistic criminals on unsuspecting, legally innocent civilian victims.

European Project
End of the European Project?

Two years after the Ukrainian revolution that eventually ousted its thuggish president, enthusiasm for the European project has reached a new low.

Pray for Russia, Too

For Christian citizens, prayer should be the first reflex whenever tragedies occur, whether they occur in a country that is seen as a friend – like France- or in a country that is seen as an antagonist – like Russia.

Mr. Obama’s Recruitment Strategy for ISIL

A Christian approach to the human catastrophe of the Syrian refugee crisis—partially instigated and immeasurably worsened by Mr. Obama’s floundering foreign policy—must reject legislation rooted in fear, bigotry, and nativism. We need a mature debate about how to respond with prudence and compassion to this crisis. Yet we also have an obligation to expose the intellectually and morally bankrupt arguments that cascade unceasingly from the mouth of this president.

The Islam America Needs Now

After Paris America needs Muslims to show and tell how Islam enables them to be loyal citizens in a robust democracy as Muslims.

Civilization under Siege

This is a war for civilization

Long live the Republic

“liberté, égalité, fraternité”