
Corrymeela, Northern Ireland: a Christian Outpost in a Nation at War with Itself (Part Two)

Corrymeela’s community believes no one can unwind every evil of the past, so each person can only decide how he will live with others in the present.

Corrymeela, Northern Ireland: a Christian Outpost in a Nation at War with Itself (Part One)

Through the Good Friday Agreement, Corrymeela was an epicenter for people working towards a peaceful settlement to the Troubles.

Why Russia Might Help Stop the Collapse of Western Liberalism
Why Russia Might Slow the Collapse of Western Liberalism

The Russian invasion of Ukraine helped the West remember that it is fortified by a shared love of peace.

Blessed are the Peacemakers
Blessed are the Peacemakers

The Catholic tradition reminds us that just war thinking is critical to peacemaking.

A Just War Response to a Pacifism and the Russia-Ukraine War
Just War Response to Pacifism’s Say on Russia-Ukraine War

I appreciate Michael McKoy’s recent “What Does Pacifism Have to Say About Ukraine?” But I remain unimpressed by the pacifist view.

“Peace” Activists Sing Putin’s Song - Ukraine - Russia
“Peace” Activists Sing Putin’s Song

Today, after Russia has completely abjured socialist ideals, leftist “peace” movements promote Russian foreign policy narratives. What, then, motivates them?

Unpunished Murder in Northern Ireland Remembered: A Review of Patrick Radden Keefe’s Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland
Unpunished Murder in Northern Ireland Remembered: A Review of Patrick Radden Keefe’s Say Nothing

Numbers and statistics can desensitize students of war to real tragedy. But Keefe’s focus on Jean McConville’s murder in Say Nothing gives readers a detailed examination of the Troubles while reminding them of the victims.

Church Nicaragua Crisis
The Church and Nicaragua’s Crisis

While Nicaragua’s government has resorted to repressive tactics like organizing paramilitary forces to fight protesters, the church is one of the remaining institutions that still enjoys popular support and legitimacy.

Blessed Are the Peacemakers - Sermon on the Mount - War
Blessed are the Peacemakers

Force is always only the form love takes against terrible evil in the last resort when nothing else will protect the innocent, restore justice, and bring about the conditions for peace. The old Chestertonian nugget remains: “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”